What we do
Human Appeal Development Organization (HADO) has a Child Protection Programs focusing on psychosocial support initiatives including offering trainings and messaging on harmful practices such as recruitment in to armed groups and armed forces; awareness raising against harmful cultural practices such as early child marriages, forced marriages and early pregnancies; family tracing and reunification; resilience and alternative care arrangements for demobilized child soldiers and war affected children; advocacy against sexual and GBV and promotion of human rights; access to essential health information and life-saving services to realize improvement in health and to provide primary health care services to host and displaced populations; child health services, reproductive health, control of major communicable diseases, awareness on HIV/AIDS.
We ensure improved access to safe water supplies among vulnerable and displaced populations by rehabilitating and drilling of hand pumps, maintenance of hand pumps, capacity building of hand pump mechanics and distribution of WASH NFIs; installation of basic emergency latrines and hygiene services to displaced and vulnerable communities. Our areas of focus are on Basic sanitation, Energy, Hygiene, Natural resources, environmental pollution and climate action, WASH in emergencies.
We provide treatment for SAM and MAM in children under 5 years and PLW; conduct training to health workers on the treatment of SAM and MAM and waste disposal in line with national guidelines; provide micro-nutrient supplementation to children under 5 years and PLW; support and promote appropriate infant and young child feeding practices through community awareness; train health workers, CNVs and NAs. We provide best approaches to Infant and young child feeding, Malnutrition prevention and treatment, and Nutrition in emergencies.
We provide distribution of emergency livelihood kits; livestock disease protection and outbreak prevention, including distribution of animal diseases treatment and vaccination kits to community vet workers, etc . We also enhance Community mobilization, Co-existence with local communities, Smallholder agricultural market support, Technical and vocational education and training, Self-reliance, Cash and voucher assistance, Agricultural inputs, Cash assistance, Food assistance, Food assistance for assets, Food security and market analysis/vulnerability analysis and mapping (VAM)
Our Education in Emergencies encompasses Construction of Temporary Learning Spaces (TLSs); rehabilitation of classrooms and other facilities. training of PTAs, teachers and local leaders on psychosocial support. distribution of school supplies including teaching, learning and recreational materials; support to out-school children, promotion girl-child education and 5 advocacy on enrolment and retention of particularly girls; establishment and provision of vocational training and accelerated learning services. School feeding; scholarships, career guidance. We also consider pastoralist Education Program (PEP) to ensure education for all.
We work to reduce militarized approaches and promote nonviolent approaches to preventing and addressing the problem of political violence and violent extremism, we focus on improving the policies and practices of international funders and policymakers to include local peace building. We use the knowledge of local people when building peace to inform and shape national and international policies.
We strive to act as a principled and practical expert on local peace building for decision-makers and influencers in the international peace building world, and in key countries where our partners work. Our experience and partnerships with local peace builder provide unique Perspective, knowledge, and creative solutions that might otherwise be Overlooked.
Human Appeal Development Organization (HADO) contribute towards the reduction of unemployment, among the youth and women, through the creation of employment opportunities in a number of areas, including agribusiness, entrepreneurship and participation of youth in nation building.
6 Gender-based violence programming (i.e. prevention and response) and risk mitigation across all sectors is lifesaving and an institutional priority for us. We work together with partners, governments and communities to address GBV and to implement quality programming to prevent, mitigate and respond.
Human Appeal Development Organization (HADO) helps develop and strengthen disability law and policy frameworks, improve accessibility of services, social protection, livelihood opportunities, and promote the participation of PWDs in political and public life.
Human Appeal Development Organization offer advice on how to create a safe environment in which survivors can learn the skills to restore control over trauma symptoms, to aid healing and post traumatic growth. Our practice focuses on treating issues that often accompany unresolved painful experiences, that can interfere with reaching life, career, and relationship goals. While we initially work with clients to help increase the ability to tolerate stress/distress and reduce symptoms, our primary goal is to help clients resolve underlying causes for symptoms, to heal past emotional, physical, and/or spiritual injury, and help clarify life aspirations. We offer treatment for the following challenges. Trauma,
Depression, Anxiety, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Counselling Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse, Counselling Survivors of Domestic Abuse, The Seduction of Children: Empowering Parents and Teachers to Protect Children from Child Sexual Abuse, and Introduction to Counselling Survivors of Interpersonal Trauma,
We help identify and fill gaps in current knowledge. Our studies include research methods that involves an up-close, in-depth, and detailed investigation of a subject of study and its related contextual position. Our studies help in bringing the understanding of a complex issue or object. We use Surveys to assess needs, evaluate demand, and examine impact
HADO does not want to limit its activity to just training on microfinance but wants to implement projects to help people prosper by creating their small businesses. We do so by supporting income generating activities of those members of the community who have been saving for at least two years in one of our saving groups. We continually support our entrepreneurs during the design, implementation and monitoring of their chosen IGA through training and ad-hoc support.
Children living in orphanages, without the care and support of a family, are among the most at risk in the world. HADO renders support to orphaned, poor and marginalized children of South Sudan who have not acquired parental support and have faced a number of challenges in life to provide a holistic set of medical, nutritional, educational and psychosocial services tailored to fit each child’s individual needs. For every child, we strive to ensure they receive the attentive, nurturing care they need to grow, thrive and develop fully while waiting to rejoin their family, or join a family through adoption.