Provision of emergency WASH services to returnees and host communities in Kulipapa Boma of Ganji Payam, Juba County.
Human Appeal Development Organization (HADO), with support from the Save the Children International through the Local Response Pooled Fund (LRPF), implemented a WASH Project in Kulipapa Boma of Ganji Payam, Juba County, as from June 1 to November 30, 2023. The project reached over 5000 beneficiaries comprising returnees and host communities.
During the project implementation phase, HADO conducted successfully the following activities:
- Trained 7 pump mechanics on repair, operation, and maintenance of boreholes;
- Repaired/rehabilitated 4 hand pumps and 1 water yard (solar powered) benefitting 8,285 individuals (M:1,548, F:2,250, B:2,045 and G:2,442);
- Carried out water quality analysis at repaired/rehabilitated water points;
- Trained 42 Water User Committee (WUC) members for repaired and rehabilitated water points;
- 3 hand washing facilities (HWFs) each with capacity of 100-liter plastic tank and soap were provided to 2 health mobile clinics and Kulipapa Primary School;
- Mobilized community and selected 10 hygiene promoters (HPs) with the help of community leaders;
- Trained 10 community hygiene promoters (CHPs) on safe water chain, hand washing a critical time, latrine use, and waste management, among others;
- Using 3 community hygiene promoters (CHPs), conducted house-to-house hygiene messaging, joined community campaigns during mobile clinic outreach and visits to educate people on key hygiene messages and awareness on risky behaviors on COVID-19 and IEC materials were used;
- Formed and trained 10 women group leaders and engaged them as ambassadors and as good examples of safe hygiene practices in the community;
- Trained local community leaders, church leaders, youth leaders and opinion leaders on key safe hygiene practices and sustainability of WASH facilities;
- Menstrual hygiene management (MHM) sessions with girls and women were conducted, and 25 returnee girls and 25 returnee women and host communities benefitted with MHM kits; and
- Safety audits of the WASH activities were conducted.
HADO as a WASH Cluster partner was requested by the local authority to repair broken boreholes in Kulipapa Boma. Prior to that request, HADO had conducted an assessment in the area on the status of the water hand pumps both functional and non-functional. Among all the boreholes, four were functional but the yield of water was very low and brown in color; and two were non-functional. During the assessment, six boreholes had not been repaired since their establishment in 2008.
The security situation in Kulipapa of Ganji Payam was calm during the intervention. HADO did not experience any insecurity both along the road and within the project location during the implementation of the emergency WASH services to returnees and host communities.
The political situation in Kulipapa Boma is currently under the leadership of Ganji Payam ‘s Executive Director. Kulipapa Boma is headed by an Administrator. HADO worked closely with the local authorities on the ground right from Boma to Payam level.
Economically, the community is depending on charcoal- burning business to earn their living, and also trying to engage themselves in small farming of food crops to sustain their living in Kulipapa Boma.
HADO worked alongside the Local Authority which is its longtime partner on the ground. The organization cooperated with security organs for easy access/transportation of supplies to the areas of intervention and coordinated with WASH cluster. The prime reason for cooperating with this particular project is the fact that Local Authority has a longstanding presence in the project area and has established very close relationships with HADO, the communities, representatives of the Local Government and other stakeholders such as NGOs and the UN.